Monday, March 5, 2007

Radio Station targeted for Found-Art

This past Sunday I left this photograph of a lilac tree branch at Cub Radio in Manitowoc, WI on an end table in the lobby.
It was taken with a 4 X 5 Speed Graphic in my backyard about a year ago and underwent major surgery with Photo Shop to give it a rather "strange" look.
So far I have not had anyone report finding my pictures, but I am not giving up, and plan to distribute more this weekend at the art show on Saturday.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Slow week, but good prospects at upcoming art show

Well, because of many small snow storms over the past week, I have been pretty much kept at home so I didn't distribute much art, except for one night shot that I made of a tree in the front yard.. talk about a lazy mans photo op.

The tree picture was left in Manitowoc, WI on a shelf in the dairy department of a local Piggly Wiggly store. So far no one has contacted me but I am not giving up!
On the weekend of March 10, 2007 I have been asked to display some of my photographs at a local green house (flowers, not necessarily energy efficient) and plan to leave 6 Found-Art labeled photos around the building before I leave, and plan to tell as many people as I can about the Found-Art project. In spite of the total lack of response that my renderings have had, I still think it is a GREAT idea.