It was a very succesful day today! I managed to leave three photos and several bookmarks at Festival Foods in Manitowoc, and a couple that I hadn't planned on at Lloyds Photo also in Manitowoc! 
Everyone should have a store like Lloyds near their home! Very supportive staff and seemed very happy to let me leave a couple of photos there including two 4X6 canvas prints one taken in Biloxi, MS and one at the AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI this Summer
If you found a picture that I left and don't see it here, try clicking on "Search" near the top of this page, it may show up from a previous blog.
Hi-I came to your site through another through another and am so happy to have landed. Love all the wonderful things you are doing with spreading art around-fantastic! Even if you never hear from anyone, you know that you have made a difference in someone's day in a positive way! I commend you on your efforts and continued spreading of art! What a lovely thing to do!
Thanks for sharing, love your photos and what you're doing!
Thanks so much for the kind words Leslie!
I cannot tell you how much it means to me that you would take the time to comment on my little effort to spread my photos and other trinkets!
It is a lot of fun and I hope to be able to continue doing this for a long time!
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